How do I change a belt?

Been riding Stridas since 2012…. And have finally knackered a belt ( new commute up some very steep hills!) seems that I will have to totally disassemble the back hinge.

Is there an instruction guide? Do I need a special tool. Is there any shop in London or fellow rider who could walk me through this?

Happy to all suggestions!

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Hello AIB,

welcome at Stridaforum :smiley:

I’m afraid no.
But I can certainly assist you - either here or in private.

I do recommend a Ø 60 mm hook key.

Maybe you could get in touch with Mark Sanders personally, perhaps he knows somebody:

Kind regards,


I just replaced my belt in London. I ordered the part from Ali express (Strida Folding Trail Bike Original teile M-Gürtel Kette 16 Zoll 18 Zoll Universal Strida Ketten gürtel - AliExpress 18) and Fix My Cycles near Borough did it the same day (

Works was about £100.

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