Anything can happen in mainland China...

Its maybe they have simply bought some Ming Strida’s and just made a web site … just to see the interest and only if they get some idiots with more money than sense - ordering say several container loads do they actually make it (or not … they could just be scam artists and take the money ! … obviously they have zero regard for the law or any morals).

Assuming they then try and actually make it, they may get a big surprise because although Strida looks simple and has few parts … from what i see, they are all custom and specialised, with some critical tolerances and material specs … not like any other bike.

There were copies of the A-Bike, but i heard the biggest culpret was the actual A-bike factory … selling ‘under the table’ or ‘out of the back door’.
Ming are a big company and the fakers are risking a lot to go up against them. Makes the previous thread HERE very relevant.