Sideway movement of the rear wheel

Hello Bietrume,

“agree” is not the fully correct expression, it was more like an enlightenment…

Unfortunately I’m really busy at the moment - the heating equipment in one half of my apartment is out of order and it’s getting cold here - therefore just a short interim report:

Should be possible to find out, but will take some time…

For the catalogue citation:
Thanks again, didn’t see that!
Hmmm, if we would now simply put hardened steel washers above and below the belleville (cup) spring then would the spring load raise…
…maybe too much for the bolt 373?
What do you think?

Today I could take a quick look at three original brandnew Stridas, EVO, SX and LT:
All of them equipped with the new EU-conform frame, the EVO was taken out from the original box.
Guess what?
NONE of the three was equipped with more than TWO “washers” below the bolt 373 :unamused:
(At the weekend it will be time to check two more EVOs and look at the washer 364.)

Btw, could you please tell us your meaning to this post?